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abel Steel’s Service Center in Theodore, AL

Sabel Steel Mobile, AL

Sabel Steel’s Service Center in Theodore, AL, provides steel products to ship and boat builders, petrochemical plants, structural and plate fabricators, and storage tank manufacturers in South Alabama, the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and the Florida Panhandle. Our CNC high-definition plasma and automated saws deliver quality parts to our customers with shorter lead times compared to our “Big Box” competitors.


6051 Highway 90 West
PO Box 88
Theodore, AL 36590

Phone Numbers

Local: 251-384-3488
Toll Free: 844-800-6506



Hours Of Operation

8AM – 5PM

Steel Mill Receiving Hours

6AM – 11AM Appointment Only

Customer Will-Call Hours

7:30AM – 4PM

Customer Service Team

Brink Davis

Branch Manager

Larry Grimes

Assistant Manager

Ryan Walton

Inside Sales

Mike Harrelson

Inside Sales

John McDonald

Outside Sales: 251-327-0146

Jimmy Kinsey

Outside Sales: 251-402-2499

Josh Shropshire

Operations Manager

John Evans

Inside Sales

Jennifer Buker

Inside Sales

Serving a Variety of Industries Since 1856